Serverless computing can save your Law Firm money

From a client’s perspective, legal firms have an obligation to provide cost-effective, convenient and efficient services. That said, it is not a surprise that cost-effectiveness is at the heart of various innovations sprouting across the legal landscape.

Among such innovations include migrating from on-premise infrastructure to serverless computing systems .Cloud technologies are essential to legal practices in the contemporary world.

In a survey carried out by the International Legal Technology Association, 72% of law firms indicated increased use of cloud services.

A different Business of Law and Legal Technology survey found that 74% of law firms are somewhat cloud-based, and 12% are completely cloud-based.

Reducing operational costs is one of the primary factors necessitating solicitors to embrace serverless computing.

According to a 2019 PwC’s law firm survey, most law firms perceive technology to be essential for future growth.

Furthermore, the Law Society of England and Wales conducted a study that revealed incorporating technology in the legal industry could minimise headcount costs and streamline businesses.


  1. Cutting Costs

Cloud computing can enable law firms to cut costs incurred in technology investments by at least 30%. 

Migrating to the cloud provides access to various services, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) products.

SaaS implementations can enable law firms to cut costs, including capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX).

For example, in an on-premise setting, a law firm would incur high costs in acquiring and maintaining in-house software solutions and multiple server infrastructure.

However, transitioning to a serverless computing paradigm with manageable pay-as-you-go models allows a firm to only pay for the used resources without additional maintenance or acquisition costs.

2. Reduced Downtime

Every company dreads a disaster that could cause system downtime which in turn translates to lost revenue.

For example, if a disaster strikes a law firm where client data, servers, and other IT infrastructures are on-premise it can disrupt daily operations for several days.

A disaster can be a natural occurrence such as a break in at the premises or a severe cyber-attack. 

However, cloud migration reduces downtime and enhances business continuity.

A cloud-based law firm can easily access essential software or client information from any internet-enabled location if an adverse event prohibits employees from accessing the building. Therefore, migrating to the cloud ensures that a law firm can continue with essential business operations even in the face of adversities.

3. Enhanced Mobility

With on-premise technological deployments, lawyers must be physically present at the office to access essential applications and information.

As a result, a law firm essentially comes to a standstill whenever staff members leave the premises. However, numerous job descriptions in the legal profession often require lawyers to leave the office to meet their clients or attend court proceedings. Therefore, any activity requiring access to the on-premise infrastructure places a firm at a disadvantage.

The case is nevertheless different with serverless computing.

The broad network access attribute of cloud computing solutions provide unrestricted access to crucial resources. Completely cloud-based law firms generate high revenues by leveraging the high fluidity of cloud services.

Also, increased mobility ensures that a law firm can operate remotely for as long as necessary to minimise costs that would be otherwise incurred in travelling back and forth.

4. Zero Maintenance and Upgrade Costs

In addition to incurring the costs for acquiring hardware and software, law firms with on-premise infrastructure must maintain them consistently.

As new technologies emerge, the already deployed IT assets can become obsolete, requiring a full upgrade.

Continuous investments in new infrastructure and upgrades can drain the financial capabilities of most law firms. Such a costly cycle caused Dinesh Raja, a managing partner at Bowling $ Co Solicitors, to migrate to the cloud.

“When we compared the cost of moving our systems to the cloud with bringing in new servers, the choice was obvious,” Raja said in a Legal Practice Management magazine.

Transitioning to the cloud eliminates all costs associated with hardware or software upgrades or maintenance.

Cloud providers are solely responsible for providing their customers with the latest cloud applications and virtual servers required to compete effectively at no extra cost.


Your law firm can cut high costs with Cloud Geeni’s Infrastructure as a Service.

Cloud Geeni has built an unmatched reputation in enhancing performance and security and offering cost-effective cloud solutions customised to meet a company’s needs.

Cloud Geeni’s managed IaaS is available on a per-user subscription model. That means that a firm only pays for the used resources, with the option to provision more as the need arises.

Cloud Geeni’s IaaS eliminates the financial implications of installing, maintaining, and upgrading software and hardware.

Instead, the saved resources can be channelled towards creating real value for an organisation.

If you would like to discuss your businesses specific needs use the button below to request a call back.


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